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Self-Improving Agents

The next generation AI foundation models will achieve reasoning and logic abilities equivalent to PhD level. And while AI doctors, AI lawyers, and AI engineers are not ready to hang out their shingles, every doctor, lawyer, and engineer will want a specialized AI partner to assist them in delivering premium service to their clients. 

The Problem
AI agent teams partnering with professionals face poor coordination, limited adaptability, and inconsistent performance. Trust issues and integration hurdles hinder adoption. AI needs better collaboration mechanisms, adaptive learning, and robust feedback loops to improve. Enhancing communication skills and ethical decision-making is crucial. The goal is to create transparent, flexible AI agent teams that learn continuously, providing reliable assistance across various professional fields.
The Solution
We are developing an AI Agent Team Architecture called Syzygi (pronounced SIZ-in-jee) that mimics some features of the neural net Transformer Architecture used to train LLMs. Syzygi architecture provides power and flexibility for AI agents to synchronize their tasks on one project and train as a team over many projects. As they perform more varied tasks, they become more versatile and efficient as an organization - they learn to become a better team.
Syzygi - AI Agent Team Architecture
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, we are witnessing a convergence of multi-agent systems and transformer-based language models. Syzygi presents a novel architecture that synergizes the strengths of specialized AI agents with the powerful mechanisms found in transformer models. It is centered around a large language model (LLM) acting as a neural transformer (brain). This approach aims to enhance collaborative problem-solving, adaptability, and scalability in AI systems.

Core Components
The LLM acts as the brain to conduct reasoning and make decisions while the agents act as its 'arms and legs.' The agent 'arms and legs' are search engines. grammar editors, and other tools to carryout the tasks to reach the goal.

At the heart of this architecture lies a team of specialized AI agents, each designed to excel in specific tasks or domains. These agents span a wide range of capabilities, from natural language processing and computer vision to data analysis and logical reasoning. Each agent has clearly defined roles and responsibilities, not only executing tasks within their domain of expertise but also providing domain-specific knowledge to other agents and collaborating on complex tasks that span multiple domains.

The inter-agent communication is facilitated through a robust set of protocols. These include standardized calls for direct interactions, shared memory spaces for collaborative tasks, and message passing systems for asynchronous communication. 

Central to the architecture is a large language model, instructed and given system prompts to act as a transformer-like coordinator. This "Neural Transformer" is fine-tuned with specific instructions to emulate key transformer functionalities, with custom prompts designed to trigger attention-like mechanisms and information integration. The Neural Transformer plays a crucial role in coordinating and integrating agent outputs, acting as a central hub for information flow between agents, synthesizing outputs from multiple agents into coherent solutions, and managing task allocation and prioritization based on agent capabilities and task requirements.

One of the key innovations in this architecture is the adaptive prompting based on task context. The central LLM dynamically generates prompts for agents based on the current task and context, and adjusts its own internal prompts to optimize coordination and integration processes. This adaptability allows the system to flexibly respond to a wide range of tasks and scenarios.

The Task Decomposition Module is another critical component, responsible for breaking down complex problems into manageable subtasks for efficient ste-by-step processing. It utilizes hierarchical task network (HTN) planning techniques and employs semantic analysis to identify key components of a task. This module also considers dependencies and parallelization opportunities in subtask creation, ensuring optimal distribution of work across the agent team.

Complementing the Task Decomposition Module is the Integration Module, which combines the outputs of various agents into a cohesive solution. This component utilizes advanced natural language processing to merge textual outputs, employs data fusion techniques for numerical and analytical results, and tracks contributions from different agents. A key feature of this module is its ability to resolve conflicts and inconsistencies, implementing conflict resolution algorithms to handle contradictory outputs and utilizing the central LLM to mediate and decide on conflicting information.

Transformer-Inspired Mechanisms
The architecture incorporates several mechanisms inspired by transformer models, adapting them for agent and task management. The attention mechanism, crucial in transformer models, is reimagined for task-agent relevance scoring and dynamic agent prioritization. The system computes relevance scores between tasks and agents based on historical performance and current capabilities, utilizing embedding techniques to represent tasks and agent skills in a shared vector space. This allows for real-time adjustment of agent priorities based on task urgency and agent performance.

Multiple feedback loops ensure continuous improvement and adaptation. These include inter-agent feedback, where agents provide performance ratings and suggestions to each other, central LLM to agent feedback for guidance and correction, and user to system feedback for real-time adjustments based on user interactions. This multi-layered feedback system creates a dynamic, self-improving ecosystem of agents and processes.

The weight parameter system dynamically adjusts the influence of different components. It tracks comprehensive performance metrics for each agent, assigns weights to tasks based on user priorities and system goals, and dynamically adjusts the impact of each agent's output on the final solution. This system implements a learning rate to balance stability and adaptability, ensuring that the architecture can evolve without becoming unstable.

Information Flow and Processing
The central LLM integration collects outputs from all active agents, standardizes output formats for consistent processing, and applies its attention mechanisms to focus on the most relevant outputs. It weighs agent contributions based on their performance and task relevance, ultimately synthesizing a cohesive solution that ensures consistency and coherence in the final output.

The output refinement stage involves iterative improvement based on feedback from users, agents, and internal evaluations. Multiple refinement cycles are run to optimize the solution before the final preparation, where the solution is formatted according to user preferences and supplemented with explanations and justifications.

Learning, Adaptation, and Scalability
A cornerstone of this architecture is its emphasis on continuous learning and adaptation. The system employs comprehensive performance evaluation mechanisms, tracking metrics for individual agents and assessing overall system performance.

Detailed logs are kept of each project complete and evauation and review comments collected. This evaluation drives the dynamic modification of system parameters, including updating agent influence based on performance and refining task-agent relevance scores.

Prompt engineering is an ongoing process in this architecture, with continuous improvement of prompts used for the central LLM and agents. The system analyzes LLM performance to identify areas for prompt improvement and employs evolutionary algorithms to generate and test new prompt variations. Agent-specific prompts are tailored to each agent's role and capabilities, with A/B testing of different prompt structures to optimize agent performance.

Agent skill development is another key aspect of the system's adaptability. The architecture identifies areas for agent improvement through analysis of failure cases and performance bottlenecks, and implements targeted training. 

The architecture's scalability and flexibility are ensured through a dynamic agent pool, which allows for adding or removing agents based on task requirements. This plug-and-play architecture facilitates easy agent integration and implements criteria for agent retirement or temporary deactivation. The system balances specialization and generalization, adapting the team composition between specialist and generalist agents based on task patterns.

To handle tasks of varying complexity, the architecture implements recursive task decomposition for highly complex problems and allows for dynamic adjustment of decomposition depth based on task difficulty. Adaptive resource allocation ensures optimal utilization of computational resources across the system.

Finally, the architecture's multi-modal integration capabilities allow it to handle diverse types of input and output. Modality-specific preprocessing modules and unified representation schemes for multi-modal inputs enable the system to work with text, images, code, and other data types seamlessly. Specialized agents for different modalities and cross-modal translation capabilities ensure comprehensive coverage of various data types and formats.

The transformer architecture's power lies in its ability to process sequences in parallel while capturing complex dependencies. The intricate interplay of self-attention, feed-forward networks, and normalization layers, coupled with efficient backpropagation and weight update mechanisms, allows these models to learn sophisticated patterns in data. As research progresses, we can expect further refinements in architecture design, training techniques, and optimization strategies, pushing the boundaries of what's possible with generative AI.
diagram of an AI agent workflow for self-improving architecture called Syzygi
Metrics used by the SYZYGI team for Postmortum
Task Completion Rate:
  • Measure the percentage of tasks successfully completed by the agent team. Track completion rates for different task types and complexities.
Time Efficiency:
  • Measure the time taken to complete tasks compared to benchmarks or human performance. Analyze trends in task completion time as the system learns and improves.
Quality of Output:
  • Implement a scoring system for the quality of solutions produced by the agent team. This could include factors like accuracy, coherence, and adherence to requirements.
Inter-Agent Collaboration Effectiveness:
  • Track the number and quality of interactions between agents.
  • Measure how often agents successfully build on each other's work.
Adaptive Prompting Effectiveness:
  • Evaluate the impact of dynamically generated prompts on task performance. Measure improvements in task outcomes resulting from prompt adjustments.
Task Decomposition Efficiency:
  • Assess the effectiveness of the Task Decomposition Module in breaking down complex problems. Measure the optimality of subtask distribution among agents.
Integration Module Performance:
  • Evaluate the quality of integrated outputs from multiple agents.
Track the frequency and resolution of conflicts in agent outputs.
Learning Rate:
  • Measure improvements in agent performance over time for specific task types. Assess how quickly the system adapts to new types of tasks or domains.
User Satisfaction:
  • Collect and analyze user feedback on the system's outputs and overall performance. Track user ratings and qualitative feedback over time.
Resource Utilization:
  • Monitor computational resource usage across the agent team.
Optimize for efficient use of processing power, memory, and storage.
Error Rate and Type:
  • Track the frequency and types of errors made by individual agents and the team as a whole. Analyze patterns in errors to identify areas for improvement.
Scalability Performance:
  • Measure how well the system handles increasing task complexity and volume.Assess the effectiveness of the dynamic agent pool in adapting to varying workloads.
Multi-Modal Integration Efficiency:
  • Evaluate the system's ability to seamlessly handle and integrate different types of data (text, images, code, etc.). Measure accuracy and speed in cross-modal tasks.
Prompt Engineering Effectiveness:
  • Track improvements in agent performance resulting from refined prompts. Measure the success rate of new prompt variations generated by evolutionary algorithms.
Feedback Loop Efficiency:
  • Assess how effectively the system incorporates various types of feedback (inter-agent, LLM-to-agent, user-to-system).
  • Measure improvements in performance directly attributable to feedback integration.
Agent Specialization vs. Generalization Balance:
  • Track the performance of specialist vs. generalist agents for different task types. Measure how well the system balances the team composition based on task patterns.

This example demonstrates how the three-agent coding team, led by a central LLM transformer, collaboratively creates a Python program. The system's ability to assign tasks, integrate outputs, and learn from the process showcases its potential for ongoing improvement. Over time, this team would become more efficient at producing high-quality Python code, with each agent refining its specialized skills while the central LLM becomes better at coordination and integration.

The goal is for the Syzygi team to be trained and improved on their own performance data, allowing it to learn optimal collaboration patterns for testing and benchmarking.

The user is efficiently interviewed by the chatbot to better understand the problem. Syzygi will grow into a model based on the agent's success. 
PrototypeSYZYGI on

Comparison with Existing Architectures
Syzygi's architecture, while innovative, draws inspiration from and differentiates itself from various existing paradigms in multi-agent systems and transformer-based models.

Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) rely on decentralized control and negotiation protocols for agent coordination. Syzygi, on the other hand, leverages a central LLM as a "Neural Transformer" coordinator, offering potentially more efficient communication and decision-making, especially in complex, multi-faceted tasks.
Hierarchical MAS employ strict hierarchies for control and information flow. Syzygi retains some hierarchical aspects in task decomposition but fosters a more dynamic collaboration environment through its transformer-inspired mechanisms, such as task-agent relevance scoring and weight adjustment.
Transformer-Based Models
Standard Transformers in NLP primarily focus on sequential data processing for language understanding and generation. Syzygi reimagines transformer mechanisms for agent management and coordination, extending their application beyond NLP to general problem-solving.
Transformer-based Multi-Agent Systems  works leverage transformer-like architectures for communication and coordination in multi-agent settings. However, Syzygi goes further by incorporating mechanisms like adaptive prompting, multi-layered feedback, and a dynamic agent pool, making it more adaptable and scalable to a wider range of tasks and team compositions.  
TransfQMix: Transformers for Leveraging the Graph Structure of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Problems - ResearchGate
Unique Contributions of Syzygi
Centralized Coordination with Transformer-Inspired Mechanisms combine a centralized coordinator (LLM) and reimagined transformer mechanisms offers a novel approach to multi-agent coordination, potentially enabling efficient communication and decision-making in complex tasks.
Adaptive Prompting and Multi-Layered Feedback is the dynamic generation of prompts based on task context and the incorporation of feedback from various sources empower the system with continuous learning and adaptation capabilities, making it highly responsive to changing requirements.
Dynamic Agent Pool and Task Decomposition is the ability to add/remove agents on-demand and recursively decompose complex tasks allows for flexibility and scalability in handling tasks of varying complexity.
Multi-Modal Integration is the architecture's capacity to seamlessly process diverse data types like text, images, and code makes it versatile and applicable to a broader spectrum of real-world scenarios.
Implimentation Plan
For a robust technical implementation of Syzygi’s key components, particularly communication protocols and feedback systems, we need to ensure that these elements are well-defined and effectively integrated. Here are our plan for enhancing the technical implementation of these components:

Communication Protocols
Develop a set of API endpoints or RPC (Remote Procedure Call) methods that agents use for direct communication. Define a schema for these calls, including request and response formats. Use RESTful APIs or gRPC for efficient and scalable communication.

Example: Define API endpoints like /executeTask, /requestResource, and /reportStatus. Ensure that these endpoints handle tasks in a stateless manner for scalability.

Use a shared memory system or a distributed data store to facilitate shared access to common data. Technologies like Redis, Memcached, or even distributed databases.

Example: Implement a shared data store for agents to access common knowledge bases or intermediate results. Define access controls and data consistency mechanisms to ensure data integrity.

Utilize message queues or pub/sub systems like  Apache Kafka for asynchronous communication between agents. 

Example: Use RabbitMQ to manage task distribution and status updates. Define message types such as TaskAssignment, TaskCompletion, and ErrorReport.

Protocols for Synchronization:
Incorporate synchronization mechanisms such as distributed locks or consensus algorithms to manage access to shared resources and coordinate tasks.

Example: Use distributed locks to prevent multiple agents from modifying the same resource concurrently.

Feedback Systems
Implementation: Develop a feedback loop where agents can rate each other’s performance and provide suggestions. Implement a feedback collection system that aggregates and processes these ratings.

Example: Create a feedback API where agents can submit ratings and comments. Aggregate feedback data and analyze it to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Design a mechanism for the central LLM to send feedback to agents based on their performance. Implement feedback interfaces where the LLM can provide guidance, corrections, or additional instructions.

Example: Implement a feedback channel where the LLM can send corrective prompts or updates to agents, such as adjusting prompts or modifying task parameters based on performance.

Collect and analyze logs after each project to acccumulate data on performance as input to revised weights.

Integrate user feedback mechanisms to gather input on the system’s performance and outputs. Implement user interfaces and feedback collection tools.

Example: Provide a user feedback form or survey that captures user satisfaction and suggestions. Use this feedback to adjust system parameters or refine agent behavior.

Create a feedback processing pipeline that evaluates and acts on feedback. Develop algorithms for analyzing log and feedback data, adjusting agent weights, and updating prompts or task assignments.

Example: Implement machine learning models or statistical methods to analyze feedback data. Use this analysis to update the weight parameters of agents, adjust task assignments, or modify prompts.

By incorporating these recommendations, we can ensure that the technical implementation of communication protocols and feedback systems in the Syzygi architecture is robust, scalable, and effective. 

The hope is that someday AI agents may produce emergent AI behavior.
Building Improving Neural Nets
If these projects were run many times and data collected about the agent's performance we could create a neural net that learned how to improve the agents.
Let's think through this step-by-step:
Data Collection:
First, we need to consider what data we would collect from multiple runs of this project. Potential data points could include:
  • Task completion time
  • Quality of research (perhaps rated by humans)
  • Relevance of information gathered
  • Coherence and structure of the final report
  • Number of API calls made
  • Types of tools used and their frequency
  • Intermediate outputs from each agent
  • Final output quality
Data Preprocessing: We'd need to structure this data in a way that's suitable for neural network input. This might involve:
  • Normalizing numerical data
  • Encoding categorical data (e.g., one-hot encoding for tool types)
  • Tokenizing and embedding text data from reports and intermediate outputs
Neural Network Design: Given the complex nature of the task, we might consider a multi-modal neural network architecture:
  • Text processing: Transformer-based models for handling textual inputs and outputs
  • Numerical data: Dense layers for processing task metrics
  • Sequential data: LSTM or GRU layers for handling sequences of agent actions
The network could have multiple outputs corresponding to different aspects of agent performance we want to optimize.
Training Process: We would train the network on the collected data, using the agent configurations and task parameters as inputs, and the performance metrics as outputs.
Optimization Targets: The neural network could learn to predict:
  • Optimal agent configurations (e.g., role descriptions, goals)
  • Best task descriptions and expected outputs
  • Most effective tool combinations
  • Ideal process flow (sequential vs. hierarchical)
Implementation in the Project: To implement this, we would need to:

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